Disentangle & re-entangle into a new mission | S4E10
Apr 26, 2024In the military, the mission was important. In fact, the mission is what matters
The same is true of our call to follow Christ. Finding a new mission is essential to the warrior as they move forward.
So, in this episode we highlight 5 truths about the “Great Commission,” including…
🎖️ Authority
👉 Sending
✅ Objectives
📈 Development
⚙️ Ongoing
(Note: this content comes from the first part of chapter 6 in Disentangled.)
Videos shared in this episode
Before = the trailer for our most recent film, Trauma Comes Home
After = Jeremy reminds us that when you come home you fight a different war
Links to go further
Disentangled book = https://www.warriorhope.online/disentangled
Stream our films free = https://warriorsonmission.org/films/
Host a screening of Trauma Comes Home = https://www.traumacomeshome.com
Free Hope for the Warrior Family audiobook = https://www.warriorhope.online/WFA