If only I had something to do… | S4E11

Season #4

Part of healing is finding something to do, something greater than your point to pour your life into.

At the same time, not only is “having a mission” or a “purpose” an important facet of moving forward from the past, it’s also what we were designed to do.


Ephesians 2:8-10 tells us that:

💙 Grace saves us (not our works— meaning “good works” can’t save us and “bad deeds” can’t “unsafe us”)

💙 Grace propels us into a purpose God planned for each of us BEFORE time began (well long before our hurts, mess-ups, hang-ups, bad habits, actions we think might disqualify us—things He already knew about when He “fore-ordained” the great works)



👉 Remember your training

👉 Recognize the opportunities around you

👉 Realize serving isn’t optional— you’re wired for it



(Note: this content comes from the second part of chapter 6 in Disentangled.)


Videos shared in this episode

Before = Chris Turner discusses his role in Warriors On Mission.

After = Dan & Reitzel talk about “still being here.” And if you’re here, there’s still work to do, a purpose for you.


Links to go further

Disentangled book = https://www.warriorhope.online/disentangled 

Freedom Tour = https://freedomtournation.com  

Free Hope for the Warrior Family audiobook = https://www.warriorhope.online/WFA