Moral Injury: The Burden of Conscience | S3E8

Season #3

Many times in the military you’re forced to do things that go against your conscience— and even do things that aren’t natural.

👉 Marching all night…

👉Standing watch for the inevitable…

👉Taking the life of another in order to protect the innocent.

Even though we can rationalize all of this— and “explain” that they are things that HAD to be done in order to help others, they still extract a toll…

Often, the invisible scars these experiences leave behind are DIFFERENT than PTSD (a response to an external event, or events, such that you can “fight or flight” it).

Rather, Moral Injury occurs…

… when we sense something “in here,” inside of us….

When the threat is OUTSIDE of you, it’s sometimes hard to handle it, but you can address it. You can move away from it.

But when the threat is INSIDE of you…

… well, you know the saying, “Wherever you go, there you are…”


That’s the subject of this episode of the #WarriorHope podcast…