Freedom & Joy (Ginger Branson) | S1E10

Season #1

In this episode of the Warrior Hope podcast, we talk with Ginger Branson, a Desert Storm veteran (relative to this talk) and member of Mensa (probably relative in some way).

Ginger (LTC-Ret, US Army) served in Desert Storm with the 251st Evacuation Hospital January 1991 through May 1991. During the 16 weeks the 251st Evac Hospital was operational in Saudi Arabia, they admitted 2,250 patients, performed 428 major operative procedures, and recorded 36,374 outpatient visits. They were told, unofficially, that we were "the busiest hospital in theater.”

Ginger took a unique background to the Army…

She began as a civilian nurse and, in her words, “hated it.” Then, after serving in the Army… she loved it. We discuss why there was a difference in this podcast.

And, we talk about other things she learned while serving overseas, amidst a “strange” culture….

Why did the women walk behind the men instead of in front?

(It’s not why you think.)

What did men do when they married multiple women?

(That wasn’t what she initially thought, either.)

We also talk through some of the “deeper” issues— like what was really happening with refugees, what they did when the war was over, and how Ginger re-integrated into civilian life…

Ginger is— this is my impression—a “joy bomb.” She’s content, and happy, and it oozes to everyone around her…

But, she’s realized there’s so much to be thankful for…

And she’s seen just how important the people around you truly are…

It’s easy to take things for granted until you see the world and see the “other side” of the story— many times realizing that things are “better” than you thought at first glance, yet also realizing that there’s so much you possess that you’ve taken for granted…

Ginger has a combined service— in the U.S. Army and in the Reserve— of 22 years. In the time— and since then— she met a lot of people. In this talk she offers a list of resources and organizations who are ready to assist veterans.

So, if you’re a military family listen for mention of AmVets, DAV, American Legion, and more…

And, take a look at Ginger’s book on Amazon.

The full episode is available at or your favorite podcast provider.



Watch Ginger’s video from Songs of Hope on YouTube: 

Find Ginger’s book, Bend My Dog Tags and Send Me Home, on Amazon: