Is War Justifiable? (w/ Don Malin) | S2E10

Season #2

In this episode of the Warrior Hope podcast, we talk with Don Malin, a retired chaplain.

(Incidentally, Don is the soldier who first mentioned that PTSD would be a major issue of concern— almost a decade ago— when Crosswinds first began searching for a topic for the first feature film.)

Here are a few takeaways from the talk with this spiritual leader / solider….


💙 You must mourn in order to receive comfort.

In the Beatitudes, Jesus actually promised, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will receive comfort.”

It’s almost like MOURNING is the door, the entry point we must pass through, to get to the place of comfort.

Of course, we tend to squash our feelings— especially any that smack of weakness or seem “bad.” But, we must own WHERE we are, so we can move forward to where we want to be.

If we’re in a place of sadness— because of a deployment situation, because of an altered family dynamic— it’s OK to mourn.

In fact, it’s encouraged.

It IS the way forward.

💙 Families in deployment face different schedules, different needs… and need communication.

I asked Don what chaplains did— especially in war zones.

Surprisingly, they help warriors sort the trauma of the battle field, but they also help them clear their minds about the home front, too. It’s almost like the warrior lives in two parallel worlds at once.

💙 Murder is not the same as killing, and killing is not the same as murder…

(The soul often “keeps the score,” regardless of how we’re able to mentally order this, but— listen in— and Don will outline what this means. If you need additional help, go back to the previous episode, where we discuss the topic of Moral Injury in details.)


Warriors on Mission = connect veterans to their next mission. The most common obstacles we see are 1) isolation and 2) unresolved hurts / unprocessed pain of the past. Finding that next mission matters because 1) you have a purpose, and 2) there are people who are going the affected (for the good!) by you living that mission. Those people include your family, your friends, and fellow service members…

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