It’s OK if it’s hard to make the transition home (Sabrina Fears) | S2E16

Season #2

Sabrina Fears comes from a military family. In some way, when she enlisted, she knew what to expect.

But, then again, you can’t always know, can you?

Here are three takeaways from the talk with Sabrina—


✅ It changes you.

Don’t expect to be the “same person” coming out of the military as went in. The changes aren’t all bad, either. In fact, some are quite good and will carry you well into your future.


✅ It’s OK to adapt after.

You might respond to sights and seasons and smells and situations differently post-deployment than you did before.

Give yourself permission to adjust.


✅ Get some tools that work for you.

And, don’t go at it alone. In the same way you wouldn’t try to build a house— or a car— or even cook a meal— with your bare hands— don’t endeavor to build a life without the right tools, either.

Find some resources— in the form of groups, books, processes— that have worked for others and give them a try.

In the end, it’s OK if it’s hard making the transition back home. Think about it logically. It was an adjustment went you left, wasn’t it?



Warriors on Mission = connect veterans to their next mission. The most common obstacles we see are 1) isolation and 2) unresolved hurts / unprocessed pain of the past. Finding that next mission matters because 1) you have a purpose, and 2) there are people who are going the affected (for the good!) by you living that mission. Those people include your family, your friends, and fellow service members…

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